Easter was such a great day!!
Braxton woke up at 0630 and went and woke Alex up before heading out to find what the Easter Bunny left. (How cute is that?! What a good brother)
Even BlackJack hung out and checked out what was going on.
Alex was invited to an Easter party and Braxton's Grandparents and he got some Cars pictures to paint.
This was still morning time.
It actually didn't rain and was such a beautiful day!! So we went out to try out the kites. Not much wind in the morning but Alex still had a blast!!
Dad helping Alex out....look at that happy boy!
Later in the afternoon the Alexander's came over and the easter egg hunt was on.
Karsen helped alex.
Buddies!! (Even though the drive each other crazy too. lol)
Auntie Nel spoiled the boys WAYYYY too much.
They had a candy throwing war...even Ellis got in on this one.
Look at this brother/sister love!!
Alex with his loot.
Braxton hunting for eggs.
Then it was time to open the box from Nana and Poppy
They each got a watch...Alex still hasn't taken his off. He even has to sleep with it on.
Braxton testing out the kite flying...we actually had some decent wind later on in the day.
Not sure what Braxton is doing here...I think the kite won.
Then we had some great food that Ken cooked up.
It was the perfect day!!!