Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Big Changes

As most of you know Ken has made some big changes in his career...he was miserable at Associated Foods busting his butt everyday and coming home sore, he's not a young buck anymore. So after some research and lots of applications he got a job with Rain for Rent a company that provides water for oil drilling. He first got a job in Wyoming that was 3hrs away, but after just 2wks he got transferred up to Dickinson, North Dakota 12hrs away!! It is quite the drive but he got hired on with two other guys not too far from us so they all car pool up together. He works 2wk gone, and then get to be home for 2wks. It's been some major adjusting to having him gone for 2wks at a time, but i think we are all doing okay and making it work. He is MUCH happier with this job, really enjoys it, and having him home for 2wks with not having to work at all is wonderful. 

Here are lots of pictures he's been taking. Not sure what everything is though. 

These are their water tanks. 

He stays in a trailer when he's there for two weeks with 3 other guys. The trailer was bought brand new right before they got there so it's not a bad set up at all. 

awww his little bed...but at least he gets his own room. 

Someone did an oops...and no it wasn't Ken!!! 

He said these moths are all over up there...HOLY MOTH!! They are huge!! But very pretty. 

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